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Beneficial Ownership Register for companies and other legal entities
We would like to let you know that according to the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Laws of 2007-2021, companies and any other legal entities incorporated in the Republic of Cyprus must obtain and hold adequate, accurate and current information on their beneficial ownership. This requires their directors (or other officials) to identify and electronically submit all relevant information of the beneficial owner(s) who own or control the legal entities to the "Electronic Filing" system, through the government gateway portal “ARIADNI”, by 12 March 2022.
It is highlighted that the responsibility for the submission and timely update of information lies with the legal entity and its officials, and penalties may be imposed to those that do not comply with their obligation to submit their beneficial owner(s) data.
The Registrar of Companies has issued comprehensive guidance that can be accessed here.
We can assist you with the registration of your company to ARIADNI (if not already registered), as well as with the collection and submission of all relevant Beneficial Owner information to the Electronic Filing system, on behalf of your company. A fee of €100 + VAT will be charged for our assistance in registering your company to ARIADNI and of €150 + VAT for submitting the Beneficial Owner(s) information to the Register.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact persons
Anna Solomou
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+357 22 100 192
Head of Accounting
Pavlos Tsiaklides
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+357 22 100 192
Head of Audit
Andreas Odiatis
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+357 25 100 692
Audit Manager